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While my personal research and the research  at GT and Parkview has focused on health services, informatics research, and human-computer interaction (HCI), data ethics and ethics related to research in the HCI domain is a unifying theme. Topics include privacy, literacy, and research design.


This research is also in collaboration with the PERVADE Team - an NSF-supported collaborative focused on answering pervasive questions such as how do we quantify the risks to individuals and groups in the use of pervasive data, how do people experience the reuse of their personal data and how should existing ethical codes be adapted and adopted for computational research? I currently serve as a research collaborator to the PERVADE team.


Because of my contributions to the HCI community in this space, I have been selected to serve on the ACM SIGCHI Ethics committee starting Fall 2020.


Rachel Pfafman, MPH, MBA

Project Lead

Parkview Research Center


Amanda Coupe

Project Lead

Parkview Research Center



Chanda Phelan

PhD Student, Info Science

University of Michigan



Maia Jacobs, PhD

Assistant Professor,

Northwestern University



Tammy Toscos, PhD

Director, Health Services and Informatics Research Parkview Research Center

Casey Fiesler, PhD

Assistant Professor

University of Colorado, Boulder

Elizabeth D. Mynatt, PhD

Regents Professor / Director, Institute for People & Technology

Georgia Tech


Toscos, T., Drouin, M.,Pater, J.A., Flanagan, M., Pfafman, R., Mirro, M. (2019). Selection Biases in Technology-based Intervention Research: Patients’ Technology Use Relates to Both Demographic and Health-related Inequities . JAMIA. 26(8-9): 835-839. [pdf]


Phelan, C. and Pater, J.A. (2019). Case Study: Conducting Qualitative Research with Substance Abuse Populations. Presented at the Qualitative Research Methods for CSCW: Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Computer Supported and Cooperative Work and Social Computing Conference. Austin, TX [pdf]


Pater, J.A. and Mynatt, E.D. (2019). Best Practices for Qualitative Data collection with a Vulnerable Patient Population. Presented at the Qualitative Research Methods for CSCW: Challenges and Opportunities. ACM Computer Supported and Cooperative Work and Social Computing Conference. Austin, TX [pdf]


Maestre, J.F., Eikey, E.V., Warner, M., Yarosh, S., Pater, J.A., Jacobs, M., Marcu, G., and Shih, P.C. (2018). Conducting Research with Stigmatized Populations: Practices, Challenges, and Lessons Learned. In Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 385–392. [pdf]


Pater, J.A. and Fiesler, C. (2018). Does the Punishment fit the crime"? Online harassment policies and the case of self-harm. Presented at the Workshop on Understanding \Bad Actors"  Online. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal. [pdf]


Bjorn, B., Fiesler, C., Muller, M., Pater, J., Wisniewski, P. (2018). Research Ethics Town Hall Meeting. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork (GROUP ’18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 393–396. [pdf]


Fiesler, C., Wisniewski, P., Pater, J., Andalibi, N. (2016). Ethics and Obligations for Studying Digital Communities. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2016). Sannibel Island, FL., November 2016. Ethics and Obligations for Studying Digital Communities.  [pdf]


Fiesler, C., Pater, J., Hoffmann, A.L., Proferes, N. (2016) Challenges and Futures for Ethical Social Media Research. 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media – ICWSM. Cologne, Germany, July 2016

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